
Courses I Teach

I teach an array of courses which include General Biology I & II, General Physiology Laboratory, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Functional Neuroanatomy, and Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience. In addition I usual offer tutorials to Honors students which can range from study of concussion to examining consciousness.

Both General Biology courses are the first year experience for most biology and neuroscience majors which gives them a broad survey of key processes in biology and physiological systems.

General Physiology Lab covers basic laboratories on major physiological systems such as the renal, nervous, skeletal and cardiac muscle systems. This course is writing intensive.

The Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology course is a required course for Neuroscience majors and covers the aspects of ion channels, cells and local circuits which lead up to synaptic plasticity and learning.

Functional Neuroanatomy focuses in human neuroanatomy and parallels a standard first year medical course (which I have based it on from my past experiences) and covers clinical cases on the sensory and motor pathways of the central nervous system.

Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience is offered to physical therapy graduate students as their first of three neuroscience courses in describing the basic neuroanatomy needed for rehabilitation.

Additional Course Information (Catalog listing)

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